about the This website (maweb.co.uk) website

This website (maweb.co.uk)

More about this website

This site showcases a number of effects currently available (but not limited to what we can offer). The site is totally flexible in page width and fully meets W3C Standards for XHTML1.0 and CSS2.1. We have been careful to avoid features that do not meet these standards, even if they add to the feel of the site!

The site has been built under PHP 5 with an underlying mySQL database using PHPEdit as development software. The accordion and popup effects were created using Mootools 1.3 as the underlying JavaScript/ECMAscript framework. Graphics were all developed using Photoshop.

As with all of our work, the site has been extensively tested and all features work as expected on modern versions of Windows-based Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome, Mac-based Firefox and Safari plus iPod/iPhone and Android. (If you experience any problems using any features of the site we would be interested to hear about it!)

Work Done: Full graphic design, programming with OO PHP5, mySQL 5 database, Mootools 1.3 plus bespoke Ajax features.